The dark days of winter are sometimes difficult to bear. At least now we are beyond the winter solstice and the days are slowly lengthening again. For the end of the year, I have been reading Revelation, the last book of the Bible, the bookend of history. It can be a dark and sometimes scary read. But there is light in the darkness, the one constant in history: Jesus. He comes in the clouds in the very first chapter. He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is comforting as I read of the hard times to come. It’s not difficult to imagine that the world as we know it will come to an end. We have had the power to destroy ourselves for some time now. I’m surprised in some ways that it hasn’t happened yet. Evil is being held back for a time. We are a part of the holding back whenever we do good-we push back the darkness. I believe that each of us has daily opportunities to do this with a hug, a smile, an encouraging word. We do this when we stand up for what is right. Mercy and Justice. Grace and Truth. These must always be paired together and balanced. One without the other is either legalism or chaos. We have choices every day and in every situation. What or who do I follow? If we don’t push against evil, we are a part of it. This may sound like a strong statement but complacency never absolves us of responsibility. Albert Einstein was quoted as saying, “The world will never be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”
This is so true. How many times do I find myself thinking, “Why didn’t anyone step in to stop this?” or “Why didn’t anyone help?” It’s reminiscent of the story of the Good Samaritan as told by Dr. Luke in the gospels. Who was it that helped the man hurt by the side of the road? It wasn’t his own people but a despised Samaritan. I think we sometimes miss the audacity of Jesus’ story to his 1st century readers. In today’s terms, this would be like a Palestinian stopping to help an injured Israeli after 2 of his own people have passed him by. Unheard of? Not in the kingdom of God. In Jesus there is no division of race, gender or social status. We’re all children of God called to help each other-no matter what. Together we are to push against the darkness that threatens to obliterate the world on a daily basis-one brave act of goodness at a time.
Do I do this personally or do I contribute to the darkness? I would have to admit the answer is both. I can be kind one moment and then cruel and selfish the next. It seems that there is an outward battle between good and evil and an inward battle that rages in me. The outward battle will never be won unless the inward battle is victorious first. The only way to win either of these battles is to enlist Jesus as my captain. Without him I only have human effort to help me and this is woefully lacking. If I let him lead me, then I am successful. But the reins of control are difficult to hand over to him. I keep trying to take them back over and over again. This is my spiritual journey: to learn to give control of my life to the all-wise One with trust and confidence. Confidence that the end of the story is true. Evil does not triumph. Light will overcome the darkness. God wins!